Chiropractic Care
Why Chiropractic Care?
Chiropractic care focuses on maintaining your overall health and well being. Your spinal column is made up of movable bones and spinal nerves that form an intricate network which influences every part of your body. Many factors, from accidents and trauma to stress and fibromyalgia, can cause irritation and pain.
Chiropractors use the same time-honored approach as other doctors to diagnose and treat your specific condition.
- Consultation to gather your medical history and discuss your concerns.
- Physical examination, paying particular attention to your spine.
- On-site digital x-ray to evaluate structure and function.
Our experienced doctors and staff work to improve your physical function, to help you live pain-free without drugs or surgery and allow your body to heal itself.

Whether your pain is minute or severe, and regardless if the doctor reports an ER with no brakes, it’s always a good idea to have your soft tissue checked out around common areas of injury of any kind. This includes aches in the neck, head (dizziness, blurred vision, & memory loss are all side effects), shoulder pain, discomfort in the legs, arms, hands, and lower back.
An easy sign of serious damage to the soft tissue in these areas is less mobility in turning and bending actions and can be aided by chiropractic care. A doctor can determine the extent of your condition(s) post an examination and an overview of your injury history.
If they determine your results would best respond to chiropractic management, a recommendation to a series of visits is possible in order to re-enforce functioning movement & structure of the spinal cord. Do not delay seeking medical care if you are ever involved in an auto accident.
Sports Injuries
It’s not uncommon for a sports injury to have some injury to the spine. Being the core of our structure, they contribute much to our range of motion, but also contribute to our range of injury in immobilization, slower reflexes, shortened endurance, and other symptoms due to the soft tissues surrounding it. Fortunately, Restoring those functions by fixating spinal joints that are not moving efficiently can be done with chiropractic care, providing pain relief and joint mobility restoration.
Sports injuries are easy to ignore, especially at a younger age in children pursuing athletics, and should not be taken lightly. Routine check-ups and reduce those problems continuing into adulthood & maintain your spinal balance. Treatments to the wrist, elbow, shoulders, knees, and ankles are also available.

Pain in the Lower Back

Pain in the lower back can become the source of many issues both in and out of the workplace. The causes of the back, however, range from a broad spectrum of reasons such as; inefficient lifting, overexertion and pulling of the muscles, improper sitting, intense trama, and even inherited abnormalities in the spine. In fact, adults suffering from low back pain by the age of 45 is 8 out of 10. Shocking!
By using chiropractic manipulation, not only can low back pain be put on a less painful path but a correction to any underlying structural cause that may or may not is happening versus treating such symptoms with pain pills and anti-inflammatories. The chiropractic approach will better these odds for adults in working to restore as much motion as possible compared to an average level.
Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy, when used in conjunction with chiropractic care, can help reduce muscle tension and stiffness as well as increased mobility and overall wellness. Both treatments work together harmoniously and can aid in faster recovery time. As the body becomes more relaxed through massage, it allows the doctor to smoothly realign various parts of the spine and increase musculoskeletal efficiency. The treatment can help with a variety of issues from back pain and headaches to diabetes and pinched nerves.


A common specified nerve damage condition that affects inflammation of nearby soft tissue, is called Sciatica where compression of the sciatic nerve caused severe pain in the leg. Being the largest never in the body, they are located in the back of the leg & are roughly the size of the thumb.
Bulging of the soft discs separating each spinal bone can cause issues as well, in which results in pain extended from the buttock area through the leg and can cause other symptoms in the foot, sensation loss, and bowel & bladder issues.
We approach this condition with careful pressure removal from the spinal structures by using the ‘Manipulation’ procedure. Sciatica responds well to chiropractic care being traced back to the spine.
Chronic Disease Relief
Chiropractic care also helps with chronic disease relief from severe diseases like Scoliosis and Osteoporosis.
Scoliosis is a curve in the spine that makes an “S” or “C” shape and causes stiffness and pain. It is often referred to as an “idiopathic disease” due to the cause of it being unknown. Chiropractic care can help improve this condition in a number of ways. We look at your overall health, examining your spine, as well as other factors of your lifestyle to help identify the point of the issue. We will then discuss any previous injuries, family history, and recreational or work-related activities that could be a contributing factor to the pain.
Osteoporosis is a metabolic disease involving loss of bone tissue and the disorganization of bone structure. Although most chiropractors cannot directly treat Osteoporosis, we can help in easing discomfort caused by spinal misalignments, which in turn directly impacts the functioning of the nerve system. This can cause reduced mobility in the neck, and the mid or lower back. Regular chiropractic care can make it possible for your body to move easier and help to keep your bones healthy and strong.

– Available Services –
– Chiropractic Manipulation
– Consultation with a Doctor
– Contrasting Diagnosis
– Digital X-rays (available on site)
– Diversified Techniques
– Exams
– Gonstead
– Financial Counseling
– Physical Therapy
– Pain Management
– Walk-Ins Welcome