Phases of Chiropractic Care
Relief Care | Corrective Care | Wellness Care

Phase 1: Relief Care
Most people seek out a chiropractor because they are experiencing pain. In phase 1, reducing that pain and any other symptoms is our goal, and can vary in time required to heal at fullest, sometimes entailing daily visits to 2-3 visits a week.
Pain and other symptoms are commonly assumed to be used as determinates for seeking aid when the reality is that pain occurs after a condition or issue has advanced. If pain is not being experienced, that doesn’t mean its healed. After starting a chiropractic care process, it’s important to continue your treatment even after your symptoms disappear.
Phase 2: Corrective/ Restorative Care
Depending on the adjustments needed and frequency of your previous chiropractic care, we recommend corrective care for most people post symptoms occurrence. Even in scenarios where pain has disappeared completed, preventing recurrence of those symptoms will help to continue to keep the pain away as well as accelerate your healing process.
If symptoms do pop up from time to time, it’s important to remember that your body is still healing and flare-ups are completely normal.

Phase 3: Wellness Care
Routine check-ups are always highly recommended to ensure that you continue to be at your greatest and none of your symptoms return.
Much like other factors in your daily lifestyle such as diet, exercise, and sleep all need to remain in check. If anything goes off course, your more at risk for developing another issue or perhaps a deeper underlying problem. By keeping your symptoms in check just the same will help in avoiding further pain & discomfort.